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Charcoal Briquetting Machine for Sale

Public time: 2013-04-27 14:32 counts:

Good morning,
I am interested in knowing the price of the charcoal briquetting machine, the notice that it makes when it works, the size, weight and all specifications you can give. Also all details about handling the machine ,cost of maintenance and the cost of shipping it to Cyprus.
Thank you. Have a nice day.
---From Cyprus


Looking into starting a briquette business. Looking for information and prices of charcoal briquetting. Thanks.
---From Ireland

Pillow Coal Briquettes Round Coal Briquettes Oval Coal Briquettes Pillow Shape Coal Briquettes


We need specification for your biomass briquetting machine. We want to make briquette and palette from sawdust, straw, sugarcane waste, rice husk and corn stalk. Can we use the same machine? Let us know plz.
---From Bengal

Sawdust Wheat Stalk Bagasse
Sawdust Wheat Stalk Bagasse

How much is this machine?
What range of capacities exists for this type?
What exact biomass resources can it use?
What is the cost of production per 100kg of briquettes?
Don’t these briquettes produce smoke when cooking?
I want your advice on the biomass briquetting machine I need to start producing sawdust briquette in Nigeria and the cost of these machines. How do I operate these machines and maintain them? Are the serviceable parts readily available in Nigeria and is there any warranty on your machines?
---From Nigeria

Dear Sir,
We have been in farming of corn since a very long time. Recently we have set up a plant of chopping woods. Now we are looking for some better use for the wastage produced in these professions. Kindly mail me the catalogue of all your machines and its capacity with price list.
---From India